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How do female friends choose bags

First, smell the taste
When female friends choose a bag, if they want to choose a bag that suits them, they must smell the bag. And bags of particularly good quality generally don’t smell too much. If the bag is of particularly poor quality, it will have a pungent smell.
Second, take a look at the color
When female friends choose bags, if they want to choose the right bag, they can also look at the overall color of the bag from the outside. Good-quality bags look relatively uniform in color, and there is not much difference. If the bag is of poor quality, the color does not seem to be uniform, and there will be some differences.
Third, process
When female friends choose bags, if they want to choose a suitable bag, they should pay special attention to the craftsmanship of the bag. Those bags with good quality look very delicate. And the needlework looks particularly delicate, such a bag is relatively strong.
Fourth, observe the fabric
When female friends choose bags, they can also pay special attention to the fabric of the bags. There are so many fabrics for bags now. You can choose a bag of suitable fabric according to the texture of the clothes you often wear.

Fifth, take a look at the fabric inside
When female friends choose bags, they should pay special attention to the fabrics inside. Although the outer fabric of some bags is particularly good, if the inner fabric is not good, it is very easy to damage. Sometimes keys or other objects are particularly prone to scratching the fabric inside. Generally speaking, the fabric inside is best to be silk cotton or pure cotton, and the quality of such fabrics is better. If it is a chemical fiber fabric, it is particularly easy to draw.
Sixth, accessories
When choosing a bag, female friends should pay special attention to the accessories of the bag. If the material of the accessories is not good, the service life of the bag will not be long. When choosing a bag, it is best to weigh the weight of the bag, and then check the firmness of the bag accessories. Generally speaking, if the material of those accessories is copper, the quality of the bag will not be too bad.

Seventh, choose the right size
When female friends buy bags, they should pay special attention to the size of the bag. For those female friends who are taller, you can consider a larger bag when choosing a bag. But for those female friends who are relatively short in stature, when choosing bags, you must avoid bags that are too large, and it is best to choose some small and exquisite bags.
Eighth, consider the weight
When female friends choose bags, they should also consider the weight of the bag. Generally speaking, when female friends go out, if the bag is particularly heavy, it will feel even heavier if it is loaded with a little something. It is obviously not suitable to carry a heavy bag every day. Therefore, when purchasing, you should also weigh the weight of the bag. It is best to choose those bags with good quality and light weight.

Post time: Apr-03-2023