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how to store handbags

Handbags are not just functional items in our everyday life, they can also be statement pieces that add to our style and complete our outfits. Whether it’s a luxurious designer bag or an everyday tote, investing in a handbag is a smart choice. But like any investment, it takes proper care and maintenance to keep them looking like new. One of the most important aspects of keeping your handbags is storing them properly. In this blog, I will share some tips on how to store your handbags to keep them in top condition.

1. Clean and empty the tote before storing

Always clean and empty totes before storing them. Remove all items and dust from inside and outside the bag. Clean the material of the bag with a soft cloth and a mild detergent. If your bag has leather or suede material, use a conditioner or protective film to prevent drying and cracking during storage. Remember to let your handbag dry completely before loading it.

2. Organize handbags by size and shape

It’s so easy for us to throw our handbags in the closet or into a drawer. However, if stacked improperly, it may cause scratches and deformation on the surface of the bag. The best way to store them is to organize them by size and shape. Place the larger tote at the bottom of the stack and the smaller tote on top to prevent crushing. If you have a uniquely shaped tote, use padded support materials like paper towels or bubble wrap to keep it structured.

3. Avoid Hanging Handbags

While hanging your handbags may be convenient, it’s not the best way to store them. The weight of the bag can cause indentations in the handles and shoulder straps, which can cause permanent damage. Also, hanging bags can cause them to stretch over time. Instead, store them on a shelf or in a drawer to prevent this from happening.

4. Store your tote in a breathable container

Putting your totes in a dust bag (cotton is best) is a great way to protect them from dust, dirt, and the sun. These breathable bags keep your bag from overheating, which can cause moisture to accumulate and promote the growth of mold and mildew. Also, if you want to use plastic storage containers, be sure to drill holes in them for air circulation. Avoid storing handbags in vacuum-sealed bags, as lack of air circulation can cause leather and other materials to dry out and crack.

5. Rotate your handbags regularly

It is important to rotate your handbag regularly to keep it in good condition. When you do not use the bag for a long time, it may cause cracks, creases and other deformations. Swiveling your bags also ensures they won’t get damaged from sitting in the same position for too long. This should be done at least every three months so your bag stays in good shape.

6. Avoid humidity and high temperature

High humidity and extreme temperatures can take a toll on your handbag, causing weak spots, mildew and discoloration. Avoid storing totes in garages, attics, or basements, where temperature and humidity levels are often inconsistent and vary widely. Keep an eye on the temperature and humidity levels in your storage area, and invest in a dehumidifier if necessary.

All in all, proper storage is essential to keep your handbag looking like new again, and it’s worth taking the time to care for them. Clean tote bags, organize them by size and shape, and store them in breathable containers that will protect them from scratches, warping, and other damage. Also, remember to rotate your bags every three months to avoid warping or breaking. Follow these tips and you’ll keep your investment tote looking its best and get more use out of it in the long run.

Post time: Apr-22-2023