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Is it still possible to use a thermos after soaking in salt water overnight?

Generally, the newly bought thermos will have a smell, so everyone will clean it before using it, and some even wash and soak it in salt water. So can the thermos be used after soaking it in salt water overnight? Can the newly bought thermos be soaked in salt water?

thermos cup

It is not recommended to use the thermos cup after soaking in salt water overnight, but it can be used after rinsing with water. Because the liner in the thermos cup is wrapped with sandblasting, if it is in contact with salt-containing components for a long time, a series of physical and chemical reactions will occur, and the salt is corrosive to a certain extent, which may make the liner Harmful ingredients are released, and direct use will cause harm to the body.

The newly purchased thermos cup can be washed with salt water a little, but it cannot be soaked for a long time, otherwise it will damage the function of the cup. In fact, for a newly bought thermos cup, you only need to rinse the inside of the cup several times with detergent, mainly to remove the peculiar smell and dust inside, so as to avoid affecting your health.

It is not suitable to use salt water in the care and cleaning of the thermos cup, so you only need to clean it in the usual way. Remember not to use salt water for cleaning for a long time, which will cause bad effects and affect the quality of the cup. function to cause harm to human health.

Post time: Feb-24-2023